reconnect + write from the heart

well hello beautiful friends,

here we are, october 16th in 2020.. likely the biggest doozy of a year to date for a lot of us. I am here to write to not only remind myself that writing from the heart always wins but to invite you to connect to what it feels like for you to ‘write from the heart’ in your own way. maybe it’s music or art, maybe its wine, maybe it’s your work, maybe its journalling or maybe its something completely unique/uncommon/weird (ps. I love that weird sh!t)

we all have a special sauce. we all have something beautiful to share with the world. sometimes that’s scary because we might have been hurt in the past when we shared tender parts of ourselves outwardly. reconnecting with that special sauce is important to keep your own fire alive inside of you. my flame has flickered more than a few times in the last 4 years since I met G. I was always wrapped up in my work and over our time together I have been navigating how to balance life with him and life at work with clients + students. I smile because I’m quickly reminded this is what it takes and what it means to be human. HELLO, UM YES YOU, HUMAN. IT’S TOTALLY NORMAL TO NAVIGATE NEW WATERS. again, just like our special sauce, it’s not always easy to share and figure out.

when you know your flame is flickering, it’s about finding ways to reconnect to you. reengage with what makes you feel good. what brings you joy. what makes you smile without trying. what makes your body feel ALIVE + VIBRANT. we are meant to feel vibrant and sometimes we get mind-tricked into thinking we don’t deserve that or it’s somehow “for everyone else and not for me.” my opinion is that we just get conditioned to think that way from media and the shit we read or see on social media when in fact we are inherently good and we deserve to feel vibrant energy from the inside out. below are some tips, from my heart to yours xx

My Top 3 Tips to Reconnect to Y O U:

  1. slow down on purpose. have a busy ass packed week full of extra meetings and coffee dates that aren’t lighting you up, reschedule for the next week + keep that space carved out for a nap or a tea at home to just slow TF down.

  2. get back to doing something you KNOW you love + haven’t done in a while. for me this was SPIN. I loveloveloved spin a few years ago and then just got away from it because of life and work and all the blah blah blah. I got back on the bike last summer and it was MAGIC. it checked a couple of boxes that I know I love: movement + fun. I bet you there are some things you know you’ve put on the back burner that you love, so bring them forward + go for it.

  3. get viciously truthful with yourself. this is the kicker to any real self connection: tell yourself the truth about how you feel when you hang out with certain people or go to certain places. have an old friend who just isn’t in the same chapter as you anymore? maybe distance is a good thing to try on. always feel like shit after you go out to eat at a certain restaurant? try a healthier spot or make a meal at home with your partner/bestie. this will be a game changer to give you the space to notice what and who you actually want to spend time around = reconnection to YOU.

sending love to you wherever you are,


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